Wednesday, May 13, 2015

decorating my apartment

living by the beach....
living in San Diego wanted to make me want to make me want to bring it into my apartment also so I decorated my apartment with the beach theme also.
This picture frame was an ugly brown and I painted it like an ocean green and I loved the way it came out.
These are my collection from my nearest beach

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Dreaming in white dresses...

Yes wintertime is over and Im sorry to see it's over but oh well...
I'm also  not sorry its spring time the blossoms are blooming and the weather is warming up. No more having to switch on that old electric blanket. 

Yes I have been pretty busy with one project after another...
I have  really gotten so addicted to sewing lately. Yes all by hand maybe one day I will be lucky enough to get a sewing machine, and yes then find out how to use it. 
My first project was trying to bring about my own regency dress. And yes all by hand. That's how it came about in the old days. In the 1800's they hand sew everything. I personally do believe you tend to appreciate things more when you create it yourself with your own personal details. 
Now of course I had to use a pattern, I'm not that talented to not have one. Indeed it was very interesting having to sew my first dress. Of course I made tons of mistakes but in the end I was quite happy with the results. One thing I must admit the regency dress did nothing for my figure. It kinda made me look pregnant. But look out it did wonders for boobies! I mean they were really out there if you know what I mean... 
I had to send away again for the Regency undergarments pattern. I wanted that regency look, you really have to have the regency stays underneath to give you that lift. That pattern was very easy to follow and the outcome was exactly what I wanted. The regency short stays give the push up bra a bad name. And if I ever desire to wear a low cut blouse or an evening gown the regency stay will definitely be underneath! Now if I could do something with the rest of my body that would be something right? 
Right after my regency era garments I so wanted one of those old white  nightgowns they wore... and yes I made like two of those. And I loved them so much that I wear one or the other every night.
Ive also sewed two vintage white summer dresses and I'm so quite pleased with them. They are so pretty and make me feel so feminine.
And yes in between these projects Ive actually fitted in some crochet work and Ive gotten into some needlework which I plan to incorporate that with my summer dresses. But that will take some time I'm sure...
Now to bring us up to date my project I'm working on now is a civil war outfit for my daughter to wear to the up coming Nights ferry civil war reenactment.
She is very excited to show off all my handy work of course she cannot pass up a chance to parade around like she loves to do. 
I'm almost finished with the skirt. I was almost done with it but come to find out I had to make it much fuller due to the fact that I ordered the crinoline on EBay.
And yes you really must wear one to pull off the look of Scarlett O'Hara on gone with the wind. And no I didn't get that extravagant on the outfit. I didn't go for the satin or velvet ball gown. I just could not afford that kinda material. I just went for the day wear kinda dress for that time. And lets not forget it will probably be worn just this time for this occasion. So as we received the crinoline in the mail, it just popped open like a pop up tent it was pretty big and round. It really makes you wonder how they pranced around in it especially when the wore layer after layer of clothes. As I noticed the skirt that was almost done was not going to work for this crinoline I had to go and cut out three more pieces. So I just added the other three panels and we will try it on today and we shall see if its going to work. I have no doubt it will. Come to find out after doing more research, it takes six yards of material for these kind of gowns. That is quite a bit of fabric and I can see why I would not be able to acquire it being on a budget as I am. So what I ended up doing is just using a sheet and that's what I used. The pattern was perfect for what they used in those days. And I already own a blouse she can wear to go with the skirt. So really I'm mostly going to concentrate on the skirt. And I will definitely add some lace and trims to it to look pretty enough...I will keep you posted on how the finished outfit comes out....
Dress #1
This is my Regency Dress
In the front you can see I did it a little different. It just looked a little too plain. So I added
a laced up front with some sattin ribbon. And this little lace up really does wonders for your cleavage.
Just remember you have to wear the Regency stays to get the regency look.
Dress #2
This is just a simple white dress that I plan to do some needlework on . I really want to show some of my embroidery on it.
I will show some updates on the final work. I think I might want to add a little lace also.

Here is an axample of a little embroidery. The light pink area is my water  pen . It will not show in the final work.

I also added a litle lace work on the sleeves, isn't that so feminine and old fashioned? I think so...

This is one of my Pancho's that I crochet earlier this past winter.
I added the Burgundy Silk Ribbon for that extra  touch...
And Here is another one in a deep dark red.

This is the regency stays that you definitely have to wear with the dress
for that regency look. And yes it is an extra boost for your boobs. I have to confess  for all that
support it really is comfortable.

Dress #3
Now I'm very excited about this one. I should be I paid  $8 a yard .
But really the original price was $16 a yard! Thanks to my %50 coupon.
But this one had to be my favorite its so pretty and so perfect...
I'm thinking of adding some vintage lace on the bottom...

Here is the neckline...

My daughter wanted me to make her a shawl.
So I chose a yarn to which I have never tried.
Its very lightweight. I think its perfect for spring time...

I also added this cute flower to which I created with my flower loom...

Now here is the project I'm working on now for my daughter.
We are going to be going to the Nights ferry Civil war reenactment.
You wouldn't believe how much fabric this skirt took...
When I am finished with this skirt and when the crinoline is added it will have that civil war  look.
But of course it is the civil war day wear look...
I will show the final look soon with updates later.
This is the pattern I used for my regency dress.
It was fairly easy. It is the sense and sensability regency gown.
One thing i really have to note I just love this pattern because the pattern the  paper
it came on was not that flimsy thin paper most patterns come with it was really strong paper , which is great
for using over and over... 

I'm also used this pattern for the regency stays and  the chemise  that I
used for one of the dresses.
Dress #3 pattern
Hint of History Vintage Inspired Paterns for Today
I used the slip pattern and I just added some sleeves.

These patterns that I invested on I will use over and over again . They are very simple and  come on hard  paper that will last time and time again...
Even though I cannot go back in time... I can dress and dream...

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Winter Warmies...

Well it's that time of the year again the wind, the rain and yes in some areas the snow.
How are you keeping toasted this winter? 
Well Im posting my winter line for scarf's again, remember these are just some samples you pick the colors.
Email me if your interested...

I almost forgot, I also make hairbands, leg warmers, arm warmers, and have you ever heard of boot cuffs? they are the rage right now. 
I will post some soon... t.t.f.n.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Trying out my new molds...

Here I am with my new person mold and I cannot believe how easy it is to use. Well it's a new start for me with this polymer clay craft and I can really say I'm loving it we shall see what kind of creations I will come up with. I really want to try to create some fairy people I think that would be kind of cool oh, and I definitely want to try some kind of goth doll also....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Polymer clay charms...

I've been working lately with this wonderful clay called polymer and I have also been making from scratch in my kitchen with this other clay called cold porcelain.

They make wonderful charms for your purse, back pack and your cel phone. And yes they are for sale...
And here is some of the items I've come up with....

This one is a small cookie with ping icing inside and I made the two small hearts with the cold porcelain...

This is a cute little panda bear and two little cats...

Here are some cubed fruit and mushrooms and two bows and a flower

Some deserts...

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Custom made phone cover/iPod cover

Someone mentioned why not sell these beautiful iPod covers and cel phone covers....
Prices start anywhere from:
Price: iPod cover $30
iPhone/phone cover $40
I custom make to order your idea or taste
Do you have broken jewelry or cabochons you would like me to use? let me know I will create that special artistic piece for you...
Just email if interested

This one is an iPod cover

This next one is a cell phone cover for an android phone

This next one is for an iPod cover

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Don't you just love bling?

I really just love bling.

I so wanted a blinged out cover for my new iPad so I looked on different web sites who custom make them and I couldn't afford the prices. An iPad cover was around $100 an an Ipod or iPhone cover was around $75
So I decided to take on the challenge of creating an ipod cover for my daughter. The crafty girl in me just took over and here is the result.

I already had an iPod cover so really all I needed was the bling and accessories.

I went over to the craft store and bought the rhinestones and found some cute craft buttons. I wanted to go with a black and white theme. And the rest I filled it all in with bling and some small pearls.

The glue of choice was epoxy glue and super glue.
Note: Epoxy glue sets really fast so I decided to mix it in small batches adding little by little. I also tried some crazy glue so I could work a little bit slower.

Now I want to make me one for my iPad, of course it will take much more bling and accessories.